Firstly yes, that photo was taken right here in town at this mad little lookout I found – how good is it!
So I have just wrapped up my first three week stint in downtown sunny Italy. You read that right. I may as well be in Italy because THE FOOD! Apparently something like 60 per cent of residents here have Italian heritage. Australian Traveller describes it as “a true Little Italy with all the culinary prowess to go with it”. The only challenge with sampling all the food has been that I’ve worked most nights. That said I’m not the kinda girl to have an issue with gnocchi gorgonzola for breakfast, so I’ve done alright.
This has been what I’ll refer to this year as a work stint. Do a couple of weeks of work somewhere to get prepped for a few weeks off to travel. Which is happening tomorrow! I’m off to New Zealand for two weeks of epic trekking.
Most notably, this chapter has marked the arrival of Lexi Lex. Lexi is the other recipient of the Harry blanket (see The Doctor Bit). Everyone will be pleased to know she brought said blanket with her, so no matter the crisis we are sorted.
She forgot her scrubs but whatever.
This is probably a good time to give you a proper introduction to our little trio born of med school days, aptly named The Crazies. There’s Jo (Joaney, maker of the blankets), Alex (Lexi, receiver of a blanket) and myself (Evil, receiver of a separate yet identical blanket). The dynamic is such that Joaney is the mother. And the father if I’m honest. At times we’ve pretended to give that role to Lexi, but the reality is we are like two children who have been let loose when Joaney isn’t around. I run amuck, and Lexi stays far enough away to not be in trouble if we get caught, but close enough to egg me on.
So you can imagine my excitement when Lexi agreed to come locuming with me for the first half of this year!
I am definitely the wild child of the lot. Lexi is far better behaved than me. I named her Sexy-Lexi at uni but she’s not a fan. So I promised I’d only call her that once per town.

I know what you’re thinking. I’m a pretty amazing friend.
Ok so adventure wise this is a low-yield post. I’ve worked most days over the last three weeks, and aside from some local runs and rides I haven’t really ventured too far from the hospital or my temporary home. Actually on that note can I just share with you this run I did on the 14th of February.

Look, a penis!
Said no lesbian on valentines day ever.
And I know, cracking pace. You can see why my Barkley application went straight through.
Anyway, where was I. Yes, the work stint. The cool thing is that despite some seriously long hours, something feels DIFFERENT. Like I’ve escaped the slog, like things are slowing down around me, like I’m more present. Working in a new place, with everything you need inside your car, knowing you’re only ever a few weeks away from packing up and moving on to the next place… I don’t know, it feels a bit magical, and a bit exciting, and a lot like a freedom that I haven’t felt before.
And so, in the spirit of freedom and adventure, I am off to New Zealand tomorrow for two weeks of trekking. The recent storms to hit the south island have meant that we had to make some last minute changes to The Plan. And oh have we made changes. The new agenda includes The Kepler Track (in two nights instead of three because all the huts were booked), The Ball Pass Summit Crossing (Chantel is excited to use ice picks and crampons for the first time) and a cool-down overnighter to Mueller Hut (assuming we haven’t gone into rhabdo).
Finally, a massive thank you to all the beautiful people I have met and worked with here in Griffith. A special shout out to Aman for making sure I was always fed with the best Indian food I have ever had (no matter the hour), Aaryana for being the worlds best housemate (and incognito photographer for Sexy-Lexi’s arrival), Andrea for relishing in the excitement of our plans to explore the world, Rach for the home-baked cakes and midnight coffee deliveries, and youtube for teaching me how to change a bike tyre (who knew there was a tube INSIDE the tyre).
Ok guys, that’s a wrap from Griffith! Next update 100% adventure… New Zealand: The Rhabdomyolysis addition.
Eva x