Let the adventure begin
What’s the adult equivalent of running away from home? Cause I think that’s what I’ve just done.
Hi! I’m Eva. I’m a paramedic. And a doctor. And I’ve just quit my dream job, packed up my life, and hit the road. My plan is to spend the next year travelling around Australia, working out of small rural Emergency Departments to fund as much travel as I possibly can.
But why? Ahhh there are so many answers to this question! One is that life is short. And unpredictable. And too many times in my line of work I watch people’s plans get cut devastatingly short. In some ways that’s incredibly confronting. But it’s also a reminder that the only guarantee is the now.
This year is going to be about just that – living the now. Doing the things that feel impossible, pushing my limits, learning what I’m capable of. Above all though? It’s about being happy. It’s about letting go of the reigns for once, surrendering to this epic universe, and living outside the square.
This little space is going to be my platform for sharing my adventures, so please check in whenever you like to see how the year is unfolding.
My beautiful brother Simon sent me this just the other day. No other words could be more fitting:
We must risk delight. We can do without pleasure,
but not delight. Not enjoyment. We must have
the stubbornness to accept our gladness in the ruthless
furnace of this world. To make injustice the only
measure of our attention is to praise the Devil.
Jack Gilbert
Welcome – it’s good to have you along for the ride!
Eva x